Frequently Asked Questions.

What is WOMBON?

WOMBON is a 1 to 1 coaching program that is focused on helping you reconnect with your menstrual cycle, womb space, sensuality & sexuality! It is completely, uniquely tailored for you. We have a free consultation call to discuss where you find difficulty in each area of these topics.

Who is WOMBON for?

WOMBON is for any woman who struggle with:

Menstrual cycle irregularities
Menstrual cramps
Painful sex
Body image issues
Low libido/ not wanting sex
Disconnecting/In their head during s3ex
Wanting to love their bodies
Issues implementing boundaries

What happens on a free consultation call?

During our consultation call we will talk about the different topics you struggle with or would like to work through. Together we can see if we feel resonant to work with one another and if I can help you with the results you are anticipating. From here, I will build a “roadmap” for our journey together so you know how we are going to move forward.

You can book it here.

If I already have great sex, why do I need WOMBON?

WOMBON is about more than sex. Sex is about more than sex. It is about learning to bring the pleasure of an orgasm into EVERY little thing we do. Our sexual energy is so potent and powerful as is our joy, happiness and laughter! So why not bring that into everything in our lives!

What age is WOMBON for?

WOMBON is for women who are 18 years and older.

What do I get for each month I sign up?

Whether you sign up for 6 months or 12 months, each client will receive:

  • Weekly 1 to 1 Calls

  • Weekly guided meditations & practices

  • Weekly BONUS material

  • Access to online community with other women

  • Weekly meditation & journal prompts

  • A Monthly group call including healing

  • Weekly BONUS content in the online community

  • Weekly Telegram support (daily office hours)

  • Access to all my masterclasses

Why a community portal?

When we begin looking at topics such as boundaries, sexuality, body image, menstrual cycle etc., it can feel strange to try talk to our own friends about it. In this community, I encourage all women to be vulnerable, share from the heart, cheer one another on and support each other on this journey. OF COURSE, I always lead by example and would NEVER ask you to do something I haven’t done firstly.

How can you help me sexually?

During the time we work together, we will look at the patterns, beliefs, trauma and issues you have experienced during sex. Whether it is lack of confidence, painful sex or deep trauma, we will work together to help bring you to a place of pleasure, ecstasy and joy!

How can you help with my menstrual cycle?

Over the last few years, I have helped women to regulate their menstrual cycles by using a method called cycle syncing. We track your menstrual cycle on a monthly basis, this can help us identify any issues, hormone fluctuations and when time to be sociable and a time for rest & rejuvenation.

If I start with 8 weeks, can I extend?

Yes, of course you can. I require 2 weeks notice for you to extend another 8 weeks. However, when applying, I do suggest you apply for as many weeks as possible.

How do I access my content?

I provide you with your own private Google Drive folder. Each week I will put in the different practices, videos, meditations and documents for the week. You will continue to have access for 6 months after we stop working together.

Do you have a payment schedule?

I do have a payment schedule. Your payment will be due in advance of the start of the month. The specific date will be agreed prior to us starting work together. If a payment cannot be made on time, 48 hours notice MUST be provided along with an estimated receipt date for the payment.

Do you have a cancellation policy?

Yes! I do indeed. To stop working with me you need to let me know a minimum of 2 weeks before the next month beginning. If I am not provided with the cancellation within this timeframe, a cost/charge will apply. This is due to me planning ahead for your next steps, recordings, systems etc.